So work has continued with the crocheting of my wire cells. I now have 94 completed cells and only 6 more to go ..... the end is in sight. I will not be sad to stop making them as the repetition has been quite tedious. However, I am sure the effect of them all together hung in a galaxy formation will be worth the effort.
Today I am on sight at MedImmune working on my drawing experiment again. We, Aksana Labokha and I, now have all the variables of the bacteria and temperature at which to leave the plates sorted out for the best glowing results. So now it is just the set up of the camera inside the incubator and the timing of the photographs that Jon Large is kindly, and patiently, helping me with. Using the drawing on the left I have drawn my image on the plate and now all we can do is wait and see the results after the weekend - fingers crossed that all goes to plan. I will, of course, report back once we have results.