I have been continuing to work on my crocheted wire cells. The collection is growing as you will notice but still there are not enough. How many do I need to make to create a constellation or galaxy of cells? The idea came from a microscope image of cells that Caz, from Medimmune, showed me which had been taken with OPERA. It reminded me of images of astronomy and as I am fascinated with anything to do with fractals this reflection of the macro in the micro was very inspiring.
I have also been working in my sketchbook......
... I have been thinking about another piece of work based on circles because within the labs I see so much that is based on this shape that it seems like a must.
I have also been looking at patterns in cells that look very much like textile patterns, knitting etc.
Thinking of branching patterns in fractals too. You can see a piece of knitting on the right that is based on the image of cells on the same page. Enough blogging back to the crocheting........