Wednesday 24 November 2010

Moss Carpet and tree weaving

Two other pieces I have started making for Rural Collusions, using some of  the natural dyed yarns, are a knitted moss carpet to be placed around the base of a tree at Thornham walks and a maquette for a weaving I am going to make between, and incorporating, a row of trees also at Thornham walks. The moss carpet is knitted in moss stitch of course, (I find that deeply pleasing and it makes me slightly smug!) , and this will eventually be 'rag rugged' in places later . The weaving will not only be made with all these wonderful yarns, both things we have dyed and those straight from the suppliers, but also I will include grass, twigs, naturally occurring plant sources etc from Thornham. It's so exciting.  Back to work lots to do! 

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